Migrate an Existing Number

From Any Other WhatsApp API Provider / Cloud API

If your Meta Business Account Is Verified

Below is a simplified guide to ensure a smooth migration process on our platform

Step 1: Disable Two-Step Verification

  1. Navigate to WhatsApp Manager.

  2. Proceed to disable the two-step verification for your number.

Step 2: Follow Migration Procedure

  • Ensure that you have access to the same Meta Business Account linked to your WhatsApp API number.

  • Note: An OTP (One-Time Password) will be sent via SMS or voice call to your WhatsApp API number as part of the verification process.

Please follow the below video documentation carefully to avoid any disruptions in service.

Follow the same steps to migrate channel from v1 to v2.

Kindly note - It will ask you to Create New WhatsApp Account, It is FINE. you will create WhatsApp Account and Migrate Your Number in It, as long as you DO NOT DELETE the Existing Number in WA Manager, your templates and green tick ( if any ) will also be migrated.

Please Note When migrating,

  • Green tick ( if any ) will remain intact post-migration

  • Your templates will be transferred with a 99% success rate.

After Migration, you will have to

  • Unlink the WhatsApp catalog from your old WhatsApp Business account and link it to the new one.

  • Reconfigure payment settings in the new WhatsApp Business account.

  • Recreate all native WhatsApp flows.

  • Add your commands and ice breakers.

If your Meta Business Account Is Unverified

If your Meta Business Account is unverified, you cannot migrate a number. Instead, you can remove your number from the WhatsApp Manager and then re-register it. Please be aware that this process will erase all your message templates, requiring you to recreate them.

Step 1 - Delete a number from WhatsApp API

Step 2 - Register a New WhatsApp API Number

From WhatsApp Business / Personal App

It's important to understand that direct migration of a phone number from the WhatsApp Business App or Personal WhatsApp App to the WhatsApp API is not supported. However, you can still use your existing number with the WhatsApp API by following a two-step process: deleting it from the WhatsApp app and then registering it new with the WhatsApp API.

Key Considerations:

  • Data Loss: When you delete your number from the WhatsApp app, you will lose all saved data on your mobile device. This includes chat histories, uploaded images, and videos.

  • Groups: You will be automatically removed from any WhatsApp groups you were a part of. If you wish to rejoin these groups, you'll need to be added again by a group member.

Step 1 - Delete My Account from WhatsApp App

Step 2 - Register a New WhatsApp API Number

Remember, this process should be carefully considered, given the irreversible loss of your WhatsApp data and group memberships.

Last updated