BEST Practices
Must Follow the best practices if you are planning to do full on cold whatsapp outreach
So, Even if meta is allowing you to send messages to your prospects, If you receive many blocks from your prospects then meta will "BAN" your number. Remember, meta do not "BAN" your number for sending messages, meta "BAN" your number if you receive blocks from your prospects. So, to continue cold whatsapp outreaching safely, you must follow these best practices. Please note, We have many clients who do cold whatsapp outreaching on a daily basis and they also follow these best practice. 1. Connect your number 2. Verify your business from meta business manager 3. Warm up upto 2-4 weeks. Warm up means you should only serve your opt in customers or server existing clients. You can ask your existing clients to send you messages to your api number. 4. After the warmup period is over, start cold whatsapp outreaching. Start with 10-30 messages a day and gradually increase. Once you start cold outreaching, please keep an eye on your meta business manger on a regular basis. Since your business is verified and warmed up properly then even if you receive blocks from your cold prospects, meta will not ban you directly. Meta will warn you and you can see it in your notification tab of your meta business manager. if you see warning from meta, Stop cold messaging for 7 days. After 7 days, let your quality score to green again. Then You can start over. This way, you can keep your number safe and continue cold whatsapp outreaching.
You Can also apply strategies when you are cold messaging to your prospects. May be write more personalized message to them. Also, use unsubscribe/block buttons. These will decrease your block rate from prospects when you are doing cold outreaching.
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